Tuesday, June 15, 2010

We Survived the Wild Rose Versatility Show!

Well I survived my first horse show with students! It was a little crazy. I took 7 horses and 7 students all together. Everyone did an awesome job and looked great! It was nice to see all my horses in the show ring. It's weird, I never get to see my own horses go. I would really like to thank everyone that helped especially: Elisabeth, who helped bath, load up the trialer, and set up the tack stall. Hailey and Charlene for bathing and cleaning tack. Loretta for helping to bath. Koren and Barry for getting horses ready to go home and packing up the trailer after the show. Jannik for being such a good show mom even at her first show. Grandma for helping to hold my bratty 3 year old! And everyone else for coming out to show!

Here are some pictures. I didn't get very many since I was so busy. If anyone that was at the Wild Rose Versatility Show has some pictures I'd love to see them!

Loretta & Tori - Camillia & Riley

Koren & Mel

Elisabeth & Gen

It was a very fun show and I'm looking forward to the next one on July 3rd and 4th!

Other than the show everything else has been very busy as well. I've been keeping busy with lessons and training horses. On June 5th and 6th I went to the Gaited Experience Clinic. It was an excellent clinic and I really enjoyed it. The babies are also keeping me busy. And they're growing like weeds!