Friday, November 18, 2011

November Update!

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Over the last few months we have been very busy at Star Walkers. We have been working on our own arena! The arena is now standing. It is a 70' X 140' steel frame, insulated building and it will be heated. There is still to do but it should go quickly. We are hoping to be in by the end of the month. We've also been working hard to clean up the yard as well as make improvements to our pens.



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A new 10 week session of lessons has started.

There are still some spaces available for new students.


4:30 - 5-7yrs old - Beginner Rider - Group Lesson

5:30 - Adult - Beginner Rider - Group Lesson

7:30 - Young Adult - Some Experience - Group Lesson


4:30 - Any Age/Level - Private or Group Lesson

5:30 - 12-16yrs old - Some Experience - Group Lesson

6:30 - Any Age/Level - Private or Group Lesson


4:30 - 8-11yrs old - Some Experience - Group Lesson

6:30 - Any Age/Level - Private or Group Lesson

7:30 - Any Age/Level - Private or Group Lesson


5:30 - Any Age/Level - Private or Group Lesson

For more information or to sign up talk to Nicole

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Darren & Colleen purchased Bustin' Out The Money! I hope you enjoy her and have many fun miles!

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Silver Dollar Anniversary
2007 Sorrel Mare- 15.3

Annie is a very athletic mare and is an absolute sweetheart. She was started as a 3 year old and has continued with ground and saddle work this year. She stands for the farrier, grooming and bathing. She is up to date on vaccinations and deworming.

Contact for Price

Genuine Silver Dollar X Doubleplays Choclit Shake

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

October Update!

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone has a good weekend with lots of turkey.



Show season is now done for another year. The final show wentreally well. All of Star Walkers' students and horses did great! There was a total of 10 horses taken to the show and 6 students riding.
Some of their wins include:

Finally Bustin' Out - Yearling Champion

Finally Bustin' Out & Finally Royal representing The Final Legacy - 1st place Get of Sire

Fancy Lil Power Play - Graduate Award Winner

Shaker's Ebony Cupcake & Raegan Wasilka - High Point Youth

Major's True Colors & Nicole Hirsekorn - Champion Model & Halter


Riding Lessons

A new winter session of riding lessons will be starting in November. I am currently only teaching Mondays-Thursdays. I am offering 45 minute private lessons for $30/lesson or hour group (up to 3 riders) lessons for $20/lesson. There are limited spaces available. For more information on lessons contact Nicole.



Star Walkers offers training specializing in Tennessee Walking Horses but accepts all breeds. From starting young horses under saddle, to preparing horses for the show ring, to taking horses down the trail Nicole will customize a program to get your horse to its full potential. Star Walkers has limited spots available for the November & December and spring is booking up fast! Contact Nicole to book your horse in for training now!

***Featured Horse For Sale***

Broker's Powerplay
2007 Sorrel Mare- 15.2

Jewels is a very friendly sweet mare. She has been shown as a weanling and did well. She was started last year. She has great overstride and head nod. She needs more time but will be amazing when finished. She could be your next show horse, trail horse, or broodmare. She is up to date on vaccinations and deworming. She is good to load, stand for the farrier, bath, & clip.

Contact for Price


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mane Event

The Mane Event was this past weekend in Red Deer. Loretta, one of my students, and I went to ride in the Walking Horse clinics and demos. I rode Flake and Loretta rode Mel. It was a good weekend and we got a lot of exposure for the breed. Barbara Civils came up to do the clinics. She did an excellent job. Chris Coffey, TWHBEA Director of Marketing, also came up and was a big help in the booth and an excellent photographer! Bill and Grace Adams did an awesome job organizing the booth and working with the people at Mane Event.

In the breed demos there was a great turnout! We had 12 TWHs representing both TWHBEA & CRTWH. And there was even a TWH doing sidesaddle demos!

Nicole & Legend's Golden Flake

Loretta & Melting Point

Barbara Civils during a clinic

TWH Demo Horses

The Booth

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

We Survived the Wild Rose Versatility Show!

Well I survived my first horse show with students! It was a little crazy. I took 7 horses and 7 students all together. Everyone did an awesome job and looked great! It was nice to see all my horses in the show ring. It's weird, I never get to see my own horses go. I would really like to thank everyone that helped especially: Elisabeth, who helped bath, load up the trialer, and set up the tack stall. Hailey and Charlene for bathing and cleaning tack. Loretta for helping to bath. Koren and Barry for getting horses ready to go home and packing up the trailer after the show. Jannik for being such a good show mom even at her first show. Grandma for helping to hold my bratty 3 year old! And everyone else for coming out to show!

Here are some pictures. I didn't get very many since I was so busy. If anyone that was at the Wild Rose Versatility Show has some pictures I'd love to see them!

Loretta & Tori - Camillia & Riley

Koren & Mel

Elisabeth & Gen

It was a very fun show and I'm looking forward to the next one on July 3rd and 4th!

Other than the show everything else has been very busy as well. I've been keeping busy with lessons and training horses. On June 5th and 6th I went to the Gaited Experience Clinic. It was an excellent clinic and I really enjoyed it. The babies are also keeping me busy. And they're growing like weeds!

Monday, April 26, 2010

I Can Sleep!!! Finally!

I am finally done waiting for foals this year! Lexis foaled early Wednesday morning around 5:00. I was a little late. Baby was standing and almost dry except for the top of her back. She is another tall black baby with a big white star. I am really hoping she turns grey since her Daddy is grey. She a little shorter than Bussy's baby but she has a lot more body. I was very impressed. Lexis is being an excellent mom. I was nervous since she is a maiden mare and she can be quite touchy but she had no issues. She let me come right in and help baby nurse and dry her off the last little bit.

I have decided to name her baby Oasis. I haven't decided on a registered name yet. Lexis' registered name is Class of Her Own and the sire is Manhattan. These pictures were taken today not even a week after she was born. This was the first time that she was turned out in a big pen so she can stretch her legs. I am really excited about her and can't wait to see how she turns out as she grows up.

Bussy's filly is doing good too. She has attitude and is already turning into her sister Boo. She is friendly and curious and she likes to move! I've been calling her Dallas and probably will be registering her as Finally Bustin' Out.

Here's a few pictures from the last couple days.

I was also at Mane Event with Mel doing some clinics with Bobby Richards. Loretta, one of my students, also came and she rode Riley. She did an awesome job especially since she found out that she was going only about a week before and she has never shown or anything before!

I've also decided to try and sell Dixie. She's an 18 year old mare. She likes to trail ride and is very smooth. She does not have a lot of time on her and would need a confident beginner or intermediate rider. I am asking $2500 for her. You can check out video of her on Youtube.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Bussy finally foaled on Tuesday night at about 10:30. About 2 and a half weeks late... I got there just afterwards. Baby was still wet and Bussy hadn't dropped her after birth yet.

She had a huge black filly with a star and 3 white feet. She's all legs! I haven't decided what to call her yet.

Now I just have to wait for Lexis to foal. She's not due until the end of the month but she looks close.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I Love This Weather!!!! :) :)

Well I'm back to work after my little bit of time off during Christmas and New Year's. I have a couple training horses in. February is still going to be a little slow but once March hits I'm going to be super busy! Which is awesome! I've also started working my own horses again, more consistently. So hopefully that'll keep up. It's always the trainer's horse that needs the most work...

I've taken Boo over to the arena and started working on her. Today was the 2nd ride on her since September. She's not a huge fan on the indoor arena but she's dealing with it. I've decided to show her next year. She is just like Bussy (her mom). She is big powerful mare that can just shake and walk all day. She is obviously still green and not in condition but I think she'll be very competitive this year! Very excited for show season to start!

I've also been putting quite a bit of time on Dixie. I had been riding her off and on since I started her last fall ('08) but nothing serious. But now I've been riding her 4 days a week. She doing really good. She has weird little quirks but nothing serious. I've decided to try and sell her. She doesn't fit into my lesson program and I have enough horses. I don't need another sitting around in the field. She's not a show horse but she'd make someone a nice trail horse. If she doesn't sell I'm planning on using her for competitive trail next year as long as she can handle it. There will be a couple of us trying out competitive trail and it should be lots of fun!

Most of my lesson horses are doing 3 lessons a week but I try to get on them at least once a week just to make sure that they're still doing what they're supposed to and not trying to get away with anything. They're all been there done that kind of horses though so I don't really have any issues. It's just fun to get on all my well broke dependable horses!

And of course there's Cupcake! Well she was only here for a couple days and then I just couldn't resist! I had to try her! And I was very pleasantly surprised. I was told she was green broke. So I was expecting something that barely had the basics but she stood perfectly still to get on and didn't move a muscle until I asked her to move. She gives to the bit left and right, moves off of leg pressure, dog walks on a loose rein, has an awesome stop, backs quietly. She's not a finished horse by any means but she is calm and willing to do almost anything. I am very impressed and so happy. I lucked out with her. I could have got a horrible horse but she's perfect! And the best part!! She walks!!!! She is so easy gaited. She just walks and shakes that pretty little head! She is just a blast to ride. I'm way too big for her but she's still fun! And she doesn't feel that bad to ride. I don't feel like I'm going to crush her at least!
And she's adjusted to the weather pretty good. She's been outside for the past few nights since it's been nice and warm. She still has to have a couple winter blankets but at least she doesn't shiver and shake.


This past weekend was absolutely gorgeous! Saturday after lessons there was a group of us that went out for a 6 mile ride. It was a great ride and it was so much fun to get out and go for a nice ride with some friends. And to see how good my horses and the horses I've trained are going. Here's a couple of pictures:



Julie & Loretta
In the Lead: Julie on Bella

Following: Loretta on Riley


Gayle on Tori